Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I learned a lot about how the very complicated IT system worked here at Trinity. Jared's tour was very helpful in reinforcing just how everything comes together and works. This assignment gave me a sense of the whole process everytime I access the internet.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello all. My full legal name is Edward Eugene Louft Warburton but instead of introducing myself with that mouthful my parents decided to call me Toby after my mom's grandpa. I am from Las Vegas, NV and have lived there since I was 4. I was born on september 16,1992 in Boston but we did not live there very long before moving to sin city. I am a huge sports fan and of soccer in particular. I have played all kinds of sports since I was very little and have always followed the stats and seasons of my favorite teams. However, since there are no professional teams at all in Las Vegas, I follow all of the Boston teams which has been a blessing since most of those teams are very good every year. My family consists of my dad, mom, little sister, and little brother. My extended family is split between California and Las Vegas with most of my dad's family living in California. He has two brothers, both of which are named Edward, like my dad's father, and my dad, and myself, and my two male cousins, and my younger brother. I am involved with the soccer team and frat life but am mostly focusing on my studies this year. I took a short computer course over excel in high school and have been asked to use it for various math classes. I also was introduced to html by my dad when I interned for his company over this last summer.

please email me at
Hi my name is Toby Warburton and I am from Las Vegas, NV.