Dear new EIT student. I was sitting in the same chair as you last year and have gone through the same class you are about to. I enjoyed it and learned a lot but that was because I applied myself. Onemain thing you can do to get the most out of the course is show up on time because most of what you need to know is explained well by Ms. Belisle. The other thing to do id to stay up on all the little homework assignments and not let them pile up. Do these and you'll be fine! Good luck.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Please visit my website at The site was easier then I thought it would be because I had no idea kompozer or expression web existed and i had been exposed to html which I think is hard. I started out with kompozer then moved to expression web and i hand coded the nav bar for one of my pages when i messed up. i am proud of my splash page because it is something i can now make easily and is a good intro to any website. If i had to change something i would've made a slightly more detailed background. The biggest technical challenge was the nav bar because it was brand new to me. the biggest design challenge was the writing that i couldn't get to look right until i centered it. I will show my site to my family and friends to brag, teachers if they want an example of my computer skills, or anyone that asks. Yes definitely, it is like a more impressive powerpoint slideshow which is good to know how to do.
My favorite site I saw on Thursday was Derek's website. His was about the 7 Wonders of the World which are challenges to present about. He did a fine job, picking pictures that fit while showing the grandour of the buildings. He also had good writeups and plenty of links for additional information. You can visit the site at
Another favorite of mine was Christine's Her website looked like some I have seen for family owned bakeries. It got the warm feel of a family bakery across with her design and the pictures made me drool. Overall it had the perfect look to it. You can visit the site at
Another favorite of mine was Devan's. Her vertical nav bar was unique and cool. the rest of her design flowed really well and her gallery of pictures was very interesting. You can visit the site at
Another favorite of mine was Christine's Her website looked like some I have seen for family owned bakeries. It got the warm feel of a family bakery across with her design and the pictures made me drool. Overall it had the perfect look to it. You can visit the site at
Another favorite of mine was Devan's. Her vertical nav bar was unique and cool. the rest of her design flowed really well and her gallery of pictures was very interesting. You can visit the site at
Thursday, April 5, 2012
My choice for worst website is the Pine-sol website. The first problem is that it takes too long to load since there are so many choices. If this is your first time trying to use their website and you need something from the, it would be infuriating. So many links, mixed with the absurdly bright colors would give me a headache in a matter of seconds of actually trying to navigate that website. The other issue I had with the site was that you have to scroll in both directions, a lot, to see much of the opening site. An introductory webpage should be one page where the user can easily identify the link they need to zero-in on what they actually need. Overall, a seizure in waiting.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
My presentation was about how untrained people can have access into outerspace, the final fronteir.Even with such great increases in technology I was shocked to find out that there could be a space hotel in as little as 4 years. My 2 favorite powerpoints were Dereks and Leas. Although they had different subjects entirely and had very different tones, they both made a good impression about what they were discussing. Derek's presentation looked very professional and had just the right amount of text to give the jist on the screen but leave enough for the pictures and Derek himself to add on, which helps the audience engage since they can get tired of just reading the screen. While Derek's hit us in the head, Lea's hit us in the heart, bombarding us with picture after picture showing how much good lifestraws can help. In addition to letting the pictures do the talking, she was well informed to give context and describe ways to donate and general information about the lifestraws.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Chris Nolan's presentation was interesting and covered a lot of material that many people do not consider too closely even though they are exposed to it everyday. The first was his explanation of google's search algorithms to determine which sites are first on their shown results for a search. Most people use google everyday and just expect the best results to appear without putting much thought into why those sites were chosen. He also explained how easily people can miscontrue some webpage they see because of how the page appears legitimate in its set up. The cleancoal example he showed us was a good example of a page that served as a spoof page by appearing to endorse coal as an alternative form of energy. The presentation overall answered some questions people may have about the internet and how to properly use it.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The main reason hate power point is because of the material I have been asked to make presentations over. Who wants to evaluate tax returns when there are so many graphics to be used.That being said, it is very compliacted and is difficult to learn. Powerpoint presentations need to be interesting and keep the audience's attention. The presenter needs to be able to only refer to the powerpoints for key words or graphics. Droning on with excess text on each slide turns the presentation into a reading assignment which misses the point entirely. I look forward to learning how to use all powerpoint offers to make interesting presentations on interesting topics.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Before Robert Chapman's presentation I knew nothing about what the CLT had to offer. Now I know that there are many different services and software available to create professional quality digital presentations. I will most likely be back there for some help on abig project. they definitely know how to help and will be able to help you create your desired finished product. The CLT offers scanning, has a digital soundbooth, a presentation room called 1101q, and can stream live video anywhere in the world with internet access from room 101z. I will definitely take advantage of all the interesting technology available.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The picture I will discuss is the altered photo of Leo trotsky before and after he was banned from the Communist Party. It represents the wide variety of image altering and history changing the communists did to protect their image and keep information that could be used against them away from the masses. Trotsky was taken out of the picture because he started to disagree with Stalin who did not want to lose his own power. It represents the no tolerance positions the communists had towards people who did not follow every rule they set out. Any person who disagreed with communist thought could be taken as a political prisoner which caused the whole population to live in fear. video shows how even today, the Russian government is not allowing its people full freedom of speech and acce to information. It is a modern example of communist practices, however nowadays the consequences for disagreeing are not quite as severe as back then.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Consequences of Social Networking
Situation B presents a growing problem among people getting out of college or high school, applying to colleges or looking for jobs, and being denied because of things on their social network page that either or the school or firm does not want to be associated with. People have always done stupid things. However with the growing popularity of Facebook, which grew 145% in 2010 according to, where people can see information, pictures, and videos of anyone with an account, it becomes easy to see qualities about people that would make that person a bad candidate. It is very important for people to keep their image the way they want it. At the same time you cannot control everything that people post about you. When you see those negative posts about yourself it is up to you to get them to take it down. When entering the job market, it is your responsibility to present yourself as someone the firm would want to hire and not some party animal who engages in illegal activities. Not only could the user be denied a good job opportunity or entrance into a prestigious university, but they can also get in trouble with the law. If there is actual talk of doing or pictures of illegal activity on someone’s page, any other user who sees it can alert the authorities which could get the user in serious trouble with the law. The consequences of posting dangerous posts on social network sites can easily be avoided by not doing anything illegal in the first place. Since we all know that people do stupid things regardless, putting proof of these acts where millions of people can see them is very irresponsible. It is up to the user to control what information is put on these sites so that nothing bad can come from people seeing his account.
Situation B presents a growing problem among people getting out of college or high school, applying to colleges or looking for jobs, and being denied because of things on their social network page that either or the school or firm does not want to be associated with. People have always done stupid things. However with the growing popularity of Facebook, which grew 145% in 2010 according to, where people can see information, pictures, and videos of anyone with an account, it becomes easy to see qualities about people that would make that person a bad candidate. It is very important for people to keep their image the way they want it. At the same time you cannot control everything that people post about you. When you see those negative posts about yourself it is up to you to get them to take it down. When entering the job market, it is your responsibility to present yourself as someone the firm would want to hire and not some party animal who engages in illegal activities. Not only could the user be denied a good job opportunity or entrance into a prestigious university, but they can also get in trouble with the law. If there is actual talk of doing or pictures of illegal activity on someone’s page, any other user who sees it can alert the authorities which could get the user in serious trouble with the law. The consequences of posting dangerous posts on social network sites can easily be avoided by not doing anything illegal in the first place. Since we all know that people do stupid things regardless, putting proof of these acts where millions of people can see them is very irresponsible. It is up to the user to control what information is put on these sites so that nothing bad can come from people seeing his account.
corbett3000, . "Facebook Demographics and Statistics Report 2010 – 145% Growth in 1 Year." istrategylabs. N.p., 4 1 2010. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The presentation was very informative. I learned a lot about the copyright laws in the united states and about file sharing on the interenet. I always knew it was prevalent and was growing in popularity. What startled me was the punishment when he talked about the recent court case Harper vs Sony. In my opinion, $75,000 per song is far too big of a fine for each song illegally downloaded. These songs can be purchased for a mere dollar legally so $75,000 is a harsh. That being said, illegally downloading someone else's intellectual property disrespects their right to profit from their own work, which is a vital aspect of the American economy. There needs to be a penalty for stealing others work. I agree with the government's decision in Harper v Sony to find Harper responsible, especially given the terrible defense they tried to provide. However, in my opinion, the amount she was forced to paid was excessive. 
Copyright law is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at;postID=3648919934537372739.
Copyright law is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at;postID=3648919934537372739.
Monday, February 6, 2012
These tutorials taught me a lot of valuable information. It helped me realize just how powerful a tool excel truly is. The amount of things it lets you do very easily is impressive. It is definitely an extremely useful tool for business since it can perform a variety of mathematical operations. It is also helpful for visual presentations with charts and graphs being simplified with excel.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Hello all. My full legal name is Edward Eugene Louft Warburton but instead of introducing myself with that mouthful my parents decided to call me Toby after my mom's grandpa. I am from Las Vegas, NV and have lived there since I was 4. I was born on september 16,1992 in Boston but we did not live there very long before moving to sin city. I am a huge sports fan and of soccer in particular. I have played all kinds of sports since I was very little and have always followed the stats and seasons of my favorite teams. However, since there are no professional teams at all in Las Vegas, I follow all of the Boston teams which has been a blessing since most of those teams are very good every year. My family consists of my dad, mom, little sister, and little brother. My extended family is split between California and Las Vegas with most of my dad's family living in California. He has two brothers, both of which are named Edward, like my dad's father, and my dad, and myself, and my two male cousins, and my younger brother. I am involved with the soccer team and frat life but am mostly focusing on my studies this year. I took a short computer course over excel in high school and have been asked to use it for various math classes. I also was introduced to html by my dad when I interned for his company over this last summer.
please email me at
please email me at
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