The presentation was very informative. I learned a lot about the copyright laws in the united states and about file sharing on the interenet. I always knew it was prevalent and was growing in popularity. What startled me was the punishment when he talked about the recent court case Harper vs Sony. In my opinion, $75,000 per song is far too big of a fine for each song illegally downloaded. These songs can be purchased for a mere dollar legally so $75,000 is a harsh. That being said, illegally downloading someone else's intellectual property disrespects their right to profit from their own work, which is a vital aspect of the American economy. There needs to be a penalty for stealing others work. I agree with the government's decision in Harper v Sony to find Harper responsible, especially given the terrible defense they tried to provide. However, in my opinion, the amount she was forced to paid was excessive. 
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Copyright law is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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I like how you argued both sides of the case. Well done!